January 2024 Upcoming webinars and trainings from Clarivate

Dear university instructors and students,

You are  invited  to take part in  free Clarivate webinars in Russian, which will be held every Tuesday from January 16 at 3:00pm  Central Asian time (GMT+6). You can check your time zone at https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/. For Zoom, pre-registration is required.

The webinars are held in two Clarivate Essential series for beginners and advanced users, they will demonstrate how to use Web of Science and related resources in daily scientific activities: for searching and analyzing scientific literature, selecting a journal for publication, partners for joint projects, sources financing, design of publications according to the journal format, presentation of the scientist’s achievements in the author’s profile, basic assessment of the activities of the scientist and the organization. Webinars last 45 minutes, participants  present more than 90% of the time receive an electronic certificate.

The Research Smarter series takes place once a month and will be more useful to students with basic experience working with resources, as well as administrators and librarians. The duration of the webinar is one hour, and a certificate is also provided.

The schedule of upcoming webinars is updated on the website https://clarivate.libguides.com/CA. Presentations of past events are also available there.

Web of Science Core Collection for Scientist

January 16, 2024 15:00 

At the first webinar of the new 2024 we will talk: how and why scientists use the Web of Science Core Collection. How to access and set up your personal account. How to find answers to the most common questions: Which article is the most cited on my topic, where they study my topic, how to contact these authors, which foundations financed similar research, which journals to publish in, what the scientist’s H-index is and how to save the data obtained. Answers to questions that you leave in the registration forms are also planned.

Registration link: WN_biedfJpNQGmrv6XZ77rf-A

Journals selection and analysis for publication

23 January 2024 15:00 

At the webinar,  will be analyzed the signs of a good journal and clarified what an impact factor, Journal Citation Indicator, and quartile are. Will be selected  and saved lists of journals with free publication using: Web of Science Core Collection, Manuscript Matcher (Master Journal List), Journal Citation Reports. Answers to questions that will be  left in the registration forms are also planned.

Registration link: WN_yO8xeErnSWaZGnT51GaM3g


The most significant new areas of specialization and research directions for 2023

January 30, 2024 15:00 

The pace of innovation never slows down, with new specialized fields of science developing rapidly and emerging. Join this session to gain knowledge and foresight to understand the changing global research trends of 2023 to inform strategic planning, investment and decision making

Registration link:  WN_0YgT7aDjQlCo13t1ObYTwg

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