EBSCO приглашает на серию вебинаров «QuickTalk» об ИИ и Открытиях!!!
Уважаемые преподаватели и студенты!
Все сессии будут проходить с 15:00 до 15:30 по времени Астаны.
1. Thursday, 2025-02-06
15:00-15:30 What is AI and What Types of AI are There?
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 297 130 970 268 Passcode: WE2LE3GW
2. Thursday, 2025-02-20
15:00-15:30 How Does AI and Machine Learning Actually Work?
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 277 661 199 690 Passcode: xB2iD7ri
3. Thursday, 2025-02-27
15:00 -15:30 AI in the Library World.
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 255 492 582 261 Passcode: 9tH7kZ2E
4. Thursday, 2025-03-13
15:00-15:30 AI Paired with Linked Data at EBSCO.
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 294 093 593 164 Passcode: Z84sM65c
5. Thursday, 2025-03-20
15:00 -15:30 Authentication and Authorisation.
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 225 494 575 806 Passcode: ST6yN2DE
6. Thursday, 2025-03-27
15:00 -15:30 Finding Full Text and Linking to it.
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 247 471 380 489 Passcode: 4vX94YB6