Library resources are only available for use in the Public Library and reading rooms, with no borrowing privileges.
(The rules for visiting can be found here – (link))
All first-year students automatically get registered in the library. It is necessary to send a request with the name and surname to the e-mail address — to get the number of the electronic library card.
(Library Rules – (link))
(Graphic instruction (download file))
(video instruction – duration 2 minutes 54 seconds)
Here’s the algorithm.
On the library’s website, go to the electronic catalogue (top, left). Authorise in the electronic catalogue by clicking on the ‘Login’ button (top, right). Find the necessary book in the Electronic Catalogue. If there is a digitised copy in the bibliographic description, there will be a link — Electronic Document. Type: PDF. Size.
The link to the EC is located on the library’s website (in the mobile version — in the menu). In order to get started, select the Database (DB) to search (books, articles, dissertations, or works of MNU faculty) and the type of search (simple, advanced, dictionary, cross-cutting). After selecting the search type, the search window appears.
The EC provides the composition and content of the library’s collection of printed, audiovisual and electronic documents.
The EC reflects the content of books and other sources, includes additional descriptions by annotation and keywords, and adds information about organisations, geographical objects, personalities, years of publication, ISBNs, etc.). Moreover, EC reflects the address of the book. The user can work with the EC at any convenient time and in any convenient place via the library’s website.
(graphic instruction (download file))
How to find a book on a shelf – video – duration 2 min. 17 sec.
The abbreviation/s denote the room/s in which the book(s) is/are located, and the number next to it denotes the number of copies.
АБ — Абонемент (Subscription service, ground floor)
ЧЗ — Универсальный Читальный зал (Multipurpose Reading Room (the largest))
ЧЗН — Читальный зал Проф. М.С. Нарикбаева (Reading room of Prof. M. Narikbayev)
РФ — Зал редкой книги (Rare Book Hall)
ЗПИ — Зал периодических изданий (Periodicals hall)
МЗ — Медиа зал (Зал электронных ресурсов) (Media Room (Electronic Resources Hall))
НЗ — Научный зал (Science Hall)
Lobby — 2nd floor at the entrance/exit of the building
MIND — 6th floor
PL — Reading hall at the 2nd floor
In person from any staff member in the reading rooms, by email —, via online chat on the library’s website, by phone 8(7172) 70 30 24
Low-copy literature
for 10 days
Multicopy literature
for 1 semester
for 30 days (3 copies)
Rare encyclopaedic reference books
With the number of the electronic library card (see ‘How to get the number of the electronic library card?’) Enter the website of the library, then on the top left click on the link ‘Electronic Catalogue’, then on the top right authorise by clicking on the ‘Login’ button (surname as in the ID card). Then on the bottom left in the ‘’Personal Account‘’ block the link ‘Issued books’.
(video instruction – duration 1 min.29 sec.)
Recording of library orientation session for first year students. The 2024-2025 academic year. (video — duration 25 min. 52 sec.)
Subscription service (Abonement) rules — (download file)
Instructions (download file)
Library booklet (download file)